SOFHT 2023 Winner

Thrilled and proud to have WON Best Company <10 Employees for Food Safety in the UK at The Society of Food Hygiene & Technology Annual Lunch & Awards 2023! What a fantastic event organised by SOFHT.

Thank you to everyone I work with, my colleagues, suppliers, amazing clients and all the food businesses I work with who nominated me and have been part of my journey, but more importantly my family as without them this would not be possible.

This will be my 8th SOFHT Award, I am so happy. I love my job!

Best Company <10 Employees Category

This category is for all companies irrespective of size, that have markedly and consistently produced an outstanding performance in their area/sector over the year, and demonstrated one or more of the following: a marked, measurable and consistent improvement in standards over the year; successfully launched an exciting and/or novel range of new products or service.

Sylvia A Consultancy specialises in helping food businesses whether established or just starting out, and their focus is on achieving a coveted 5-Star Food Hygiene Rating through auditing, training and consultancy.

Over the last 12 months working with Typsy in Australia we recently launched our own global training programme; The Handling of Food Safely in Retail online course demonstrating innovation and dedication to ensuring food safety worldwide with Typsy!

Published On: November 20th, 2023